22 ян. 2025
Снимка на десерт ягоди и сметана с украса от лайм и рози
Blog, Recipes

Mascarpone Cream with Strawberries

This mascarpone cream with strawberries is so easy to prepare and so delicious that it is perfect for unexpected guests. I make it whenever I want something sweet but I don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I could even name this recipe cheesecake in a glass. Another Italian product I love is mascarpone cheese. It has high percentage of saturated fat and a very typical, divine (if you ask me) taste. Mascarpone’s creamy texture makes it suitable for both sweet and salty dishes. INGREDIENTS FOR MASCARPONE CREAM WITH STRAWBERRIES 250 g mascarpone 100 ml heavy...
Блог, Рецепти

Семифредо с череши и боровинки

Ах тази Италия! Няма нещо, което да не и харесвам. И пицата, и пастата, и виното, и десертите и далеч не говоря само за храна. Италия е магия! Рецептата за семифредо е много подходяща за летния сезон. Буквално в превод означава полу замразено. Точно така трябва и да се консумира. Има точен момент, в който е най-подходящо да го сервирате на трапезата. Извадете го от фризера и изчакайте около 20 минутки да се отпусне. Семифредото не е сладолед и няма да се разтече. Основната му съставка е сирене маскарпоне, в комбинация с разбита сметана. Може да стои дълго време на...
Блог, Рецепти

Домашна гранола

Хапва ли ви се нещо леко, здравословно и вкусно за закуска? Няма нищо по-подходящо от една кокосова домашна гранола. Дали с кисело, прясно или ядково мляко – вие решавате. Аз мога да ви гарантирам, че вкуса и аромата на тази гранола ще ви очароват. Защо да направите домашна гранола, а да не си купите готова? Има няколко причини, поради които аз приготвям гранола: На първо място – може сами да изберете вкуса на гранолата. Може да използвате любимите си ядки, семена и сушени плодове ще бъдете сигурни, че не е подсладена с бяла захар винаги ще бъде по-ароматна и хрупкава...
vegan chocolate brownie
Blog, Recipes


This vegan chocolate brownie with pumpkin will become one of your favourite desserts. Here are some reasons for that: intense chocolate taste complimented by the taste of pumpkin and spices, no refined sugar, no animal products, no white flour and unbelievable and colorful look. If I have caught your curiosity by now, here’s the recipe: INGREDIENTS Brown mixture 100 g spelt flour 80 g unsweetened cocoa powder 100 g brown sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons ground flaxseeds (+6 tsp water) 240 ml soy milk 170 g natural chocolate 190 g baked...
Блог, Рецепти


I love them so much that I couldn’t resist making a cake in their season. Their Highnesses in the main part – the Cherries! Clafoutis with cherries is a light and airy French dessert which would impress everybody with the way it looks. The classic clafoutis is made with cherries or sour cherries. But if you want to escape the classic you may use other summer fruits like apricots, peaches, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. The batter for this dessert is similar to the pancakes’ batter and it has to be with the same consistency. Another thing you could experiment with...
Blog, Recipes


I love summer so much. It is so colorful and fresh. I am excited while I am writing this article because except the delicious and refreshing recipes I am going to give you I will also tell you where I’ve tried them. Last weekend I was at a guest house in a small village near the town of Gabrovo. We arranged a Hen party for a friend. The house had a wonderful garden but despite the woods around it was very hot during the whole day. Of course it was a surprise party and the bride didn’t know to the...
Blog, Recipes


I doubt there’s left somebody not knowing my love to cherries or who hasn’t noticed my special attitude towards them. I cannot help buying cherries whenever I see them. I’ve already made a cake with cherries so this time I’ve decided to add them to a homemade ice cream. I will start with the recipe for this homemade ice cream because I am certain that you can’t wait to see it. After that I will continue with the photo and the hidden defect in it. Have you found it? Recipe for homemade ice cream with cherries 500 g strained yoghurt...
Blog, Recipes


What are you doing with the ugly dark bananas which no one wants to eat?  I cut and freeze them because there is no other moment when a banana is sweeter. After that I use them for banana bread like this one or for a smoothie. This banana bread is perfect for breakfast, dessert or for the afternoon coffee.  It is so soft, aromatic and tasty that everyone is tempting to have a piece of it. This is a cake which you can experiment with. I would add chocolate chips next time I prepare it. And why not make it...