12 мар. 2025
Кекс с извара
Blog, Блог, Рецепти

Кекс с извара и боровинки

Знаете, че изварата е често използван продукт в моята кухня. Обичам да я вклювам в печива и палачинки, защото освен многобройните ползи за тялото, тя е с неутрален вкус и това я прави подходяща, както за солени, така и за сладки ястия. Днес ви представям рецепта за безглутенов кекс с извара боровинки, който ще стане любим на семейството ви. За разкош добавих и лимонова глазура. Заедно с нея разбира се добавих и калории, които вие може да си спестите, но ако решите да се поглезите, то изцапването на пръстите с глазура е начина. И като споменах глезене трябва да ви...
Gingerbread cake
Blog, Recipes


This gingerbread cake is the first cake with layers I have ever prepared. I don’t feel cakes simply as a dessert. It is something very special, very loved and festive. I didn’t have the courage to make a real cake maybe because I was afraid of failure in the baking of layers or in the preparation of the cream, or in the final look of the cake. However, I gained confidence in the kitchen lately and here’s the result. To be honest some things here didn’t happen as I wanted but this didn’t discourage me. For example I should have...
Blog, Recipes


So fresh, so juicy and light this lemon poppy seeds cake with lemon icing will charm you! Poppy seeds give the cake a slight poppy taste and a different texture. The icing completes this perfection and with its pleasant sour taste prompts you to eat one more piece. I divided the mixture in two and I baked two small cakes in different cake tins in the name of photography. I wanted to have different forms for photographs and one of the cakes is with icing and the other one is not. Which one is your favourite? I would say that...
Blog, Recipes

Ginger and walnut carrot cake recipe

What I like on a carrot cake, apart from the taste, and of course, it takes only about an hour to make it and 8 big pieces come out of it to please your family. You can cut it to 12 little ones, but I guarantee that no one will have enough of this cake. Without too much cream and not too sweet she is the perfect mate for a cup of tea or coffee and a good book. The necessary products for ginger carrots are as follows: 4 eggs at room temperature 250 g of sugar 120 ml. vegetable...